Our address
Laisvės al. 46
2nd floor
, Kaunas
If you come by car, leave
the car on A. Mickevičiaus street closer to the cross with Laisvės al. (payable Mon-Sun 8AM-8PM 2,00 EUR/hour).
Go on Laisvės
alėja from
A. Mickevičiaus street towards S. Daukanto street (big white church must be behind you). After 60 m, on the right side is the gateway, go inside. In the gateway, on the left, there are brown doors, go inside - we are on the second floor.

From bus station please use this link to find the way.
Check-in hours are from 15:00 till 19:00. In case you will arrive other time, please call
+370 696 02030
when you are near the Hostel and our staff will meet you. Have a good trip!